Criminal Cases

Let's talk about solutions

Why hire a criminal lawyer?

Being accused of a crime can escalate to serious situations if you end up being convicted, including fines, jail time and criminal record. If you have been charged with a crime, hiring an attorney will give you the best chance to avoid conviction or reduce your sentence.

Abel Molina Iniesta

Lawyer representing clients in criminal cases

I will accompany you throughout the criminal process, giving you the legal help you need and watching out for your rights. Together we will find the appropriate line of defense to achieve the most favorable resolution for your life and your interests..

I will be in charge of the preparation of legal opinions, the filing of complaints or denunciations, the defense of the detainee before the police station or the duty court, defense or prosecution in legal proceedings and before any national court, the performance of a trial or proceedings in the criminal execution phase.

I manage criminal proceedings against the person, against moral integrity, against freedom, against sexual indemnity and freedom, the right to self-image and home inviolability, against heritage, against road safety or against public health.

If you are accused of having committed a crime contact me immediately

Study of cases

Real case 1 - 17:30. Wednesday.

"The police have arrested our mother. We do not know in which police station or why ... a robbery ... scam .... We need you to come, lawyer"

Abel Molina Iniesta

After taking steps, we located the lady in a police station in Barcelona. We make an appointment with the instructor agent and, as established by the European and Spanish legal framework, I had a personal private interview with her. After listening and advising the client, I assisted her in the statement in police custody.

With all the legal guarantees declared, because she had a feasible version and explanation against the doubtful facts for which she has been detained. Informed to the family.

Real case 2 - 11:00. At the police station.

Woman and mother arrested for theft at police station. and it’s time for it’s breast feeding.

Abel Molina Iniesta

I requested the investigating agent for humanitarian reasons:

  1. The statement for theft at the police station was suspended.
  2. That a patrol accompany my client to her house to feed her baby.
  3. That he return to the police station and we continue with the statement for the alleged crime.

It was agreed in accordance.

Are you in a similar case? Get in touch as soon as possible.

Abel Molina Iniesta

Publications and interviews

Prestigious interview in Economist & Jurist

Japan & Spain: Brief approach to criminal law

Read the interview

Publication in the magazine

Japan and Spain: brief approach to Criminal Law

Read the article

Article in the Magazine Món Jurídic del Iltre. Barcelona Bar Association

Animal Criminal Law

Read the article