25TH ANNIVERSARY of Abel Molina Iniesta's legal profession.

The month of October was the 25th ANNIVERSARY of Abel Molina Iniesta's legal profession. Senior family lawyer, matrimonial and couples, and criminal lawyer Abel Molina Iniesta completed 25 years dedicated to the legal profession in Terrassa in national and international matters. https://abelmolinabogado.com/noticias/matrimonialista-abel-molina-aijudefa/ https://abelmolinabogado.com/noticias/abogado-penalista-terrassa-abel-molina/ https://vimeo.com/490513757 El Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Terrassa felicitó al abogado Abel […]

Abel Molina Iniesta, matrimonial and criminal lawyer

Abel Molina Iniesta, lawyer and mediator accredited by Ministry of Justice,, avocat, lawyer, criminal lawyer, divorces, couples, traffic, beloved

After these rest days of April, Abel Molina Iniesta, matrimonial and criminal lawyer continues his activity in the office. https://abelmolinabogado.com/noticias/abel-molina-iniesta-mediador-matrimonialista-acreditado-en-terrassa/ La semana Santa pasó y espero que hayan descansado del día a día. https://www.naciodigital.cat/baixpenedes/opinio/25752/ex-no-em-deixa-gestionar-passaport-fill En el despacho retomado ya el horario de siempre: afternoons from Monday to Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.. https://www.aijudefa.com/directorio/6749/molina-iniesta-abel/ […]

Abel Molina, lawyer appreciates the good opinions of his clients

Abel Molina Iniesta, thanks before summer the good opinions of its clients. And your trust I will be brief because the merit is not mine as a lawyer specialized in matrimonial, parent relationships, mothers and sons, sometimes situations with criminal scope, if not of you as customers. https://abelmolinabogado.com/abogado-penalista/ “Thanks for the confidence” Abel Molina Iniesta lawyer […]

Divorce lawyer: Abel Molina

Abel Molina Iniesta, lawyer, Advocat, Avocat, Lawyer, Lawyer, couples, too., accidents, traffic, traffic accident,beloved, children, penal, Terrace, Barcelona, España, Spanien, Spain, SCAF, animal defense

Divorce lawyer, Abel Molina, interviewed in the Diario de Terrassa. Entrevista del 6 de Febrero ofrecida con motivo del día internacional del letrado/a como abogado de divorcios Abel Molina (matrimonialist, criminal and traffic accidents) of Terrassa (extensive transcription). What motivated you to be a lawyer? When i was a kid, sometimes I did my homework between […]

Traffic accident lawyer: Abel Molina

Abel Molina Iniesta, lawyer, Advocat, Avocat, Lawyer, Lawyer, couples, too., accidents, traffic, beloved, children, penal, Terrace, Barcelona, España, Spanien, Spain, Figueres, car, road accidents

The car accident lawyer, Abel Molina, informs: On this International Lawyer's Day we join our colleagues. https://abelmolinabogado.com/trafico/ El 3 de febrero Día Internacional del Abogado. We work as a team for a fairer society. February 3rd International Lawyer’s Day. We team up to building a more just society. Le 3 février Journée […]

Terrassa Lawyer: Abel Molina Iniesta

Abel Molina Iniesta, lawyer and mediator accredited by Ministry of Justice,

Terrassa Lawyer: We inform that after the summer holidays Abel Molina Iniesta available at the usual time: Marriage / Divorce Child Support Pensions https://abelmolinabogado.com/divorcios/ Accidentes de tráfico/ lesiones Tráfico ESP – Abel Molina Iniesta Lawyer (abelmolinabogado.com) 1st. Sep. and after the summering time Abel Molina Iniesta, lawyer and asoc., Spain – France, already available. DivorceParental […]